Throughout the last decade, video games have shown us the most amazing pieces of fictional technology advances ever. From the Portal Gun from Portal to the BFG from DOOM, video games just give us plenty of things to look forward to in the future. But what actual video game tech can we use to function in the modern world?
First things first: What advances is science making now to even predict what could come in the future? Well, as far as we know, nothing. Sorry, guys.
Even though nothing is in the works currently, what could we use in real life? Here are four basic video game tech that can be helpful in real life:
1. Portal Gun, Portal:
VIDEO GAME USE: Though as ridiculous and laggy as it seems, the idea is great. Use an automatic portal dispenser to help solve puzzles and defeat giant robots.
REAL LIFE USE: The Portal Gun would be great to getting around the house, school, office, etc. Where the portal goes, you go.
2. Gravity Gun, Half-Life 2:
VIDEO GAME USE: The BFG of Half-Life, the Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator is a gun that disrupts the field of gravity and controls it. Niiice.
REAL LIFE USE: Perfect for getting rid of road blocks, writers blocks, and that pesky brat across the street. Also useful against pervs.
3. Poké Ball, Pokémon:
VIDEO GAME USE: Catch wild monsters with a ball. WHAT SORCERY IS THIS?!?!
REAL LIFE USE: *Please refer to "Video Game Use*
4. Vaccuum, Luigi's Mansion:
VIDEO GAME USE: Catch ghosts.
REAL LIFE USE: Whatever you're little heart desires. >:3
Sure, Aperture Science may not be real and we can't expect anything too cool to come along for a while, but we just have to wait and see what the world comes up with.
And as always, Gamers of the Nations, Rage On.