Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The 10 Games I Want In 2013

Well, now that the next generation of consoles has finally arrived, I can finally tell you guys and girls what I'm looking forward to this holiday season.

10) Dead Rising 3 - XBox One:

What can we NOT say about the Dead Rising franchise? It's insane, packed with  gruesome humor and it's got ZOMBIES! IT'S PERFECT! But with Dead Rising 3, no longer is Frank West involved (as far as we know), instead we got Nick, a mechanic fighting his way through the zombie apocolypse through awesome carnage-powered vehicles and weapons.  

9) Rayman Legends - Wii U:

Yes, the Wii U has been out for a while already but I haven't played the game yet so I WANT TO PLAY IT. As the sequel to the stunning underdog of last year's Rayman Origins, expect awesome gameplay, multiplayer and beautiful graphics. Be warned that there may be some glitches, but hey! It's A FUN GAME!'

8) Call of Duty: Ghosts - PS4:

Now, I'm not really a fan of shooter games but this next-gen enry for the Call of Duty franchise looks peculiarly interesting. So, I may only play this for the Campaign (unlike most people) and just be good with that. Well, I could go shoot up some aliens in that new Extermination mode...

7) Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag - PS4:

One Word: Murder. That's it. That's all you need to know. I don't really think being a pirate matters, I'm just here for the awesome killing sprees.

6) inFAMOUS: Second Son - PS4:

I've always been intrigued by the inFAMOUS series and really enjoyed the Festival of Blood DLC for inFAMOUS 2 so even though Cole McGrath doesn't affect this storyline (as far as we know), I expect to have lots of fun beating up government agents with the powers of smoke.

5) Watch Dogs - PS4:

This is probably one of my favorite games that I've been following since it was announced. The concept is awesome and I want it SO BAD..... I want to make it like a sandwich and eat it and it'll satisfy me for years. Guaranteed or my money back. Well, probably not because I'll still be playing it.

4) Killer Instinct - XBox One:


3) Just Dance 2014 - Wii U/XBox One:

This may surprise a whole lot of people but I actually LIKE the Just Dance series. It's really fun and it actually makes me feel good after playing it. Though the dance moves can be cheesy, it's definitely worth getting. Plus, the Wii U version has more exclusive modes than the other consoles but I like the Kinect so this will be a tie between Wii U and XBox One for me but it's still a great game.

2) Knack - PS4:

This Playstation exclusive is a really interesting take on the beat-em-up genre, which I don't remember seeing since the Crash Bandicoot games. Though it has recently gotten mixed reviews, I feel as if this cartoony game is evidence that there can be an artistic game. The game's art style is very childish but has a mild difficulty level, making it ridiculously cute and slightly difficult. I like it :)

1) Destiny - XBox One/PS4:

What should easily been on top of everybody's list this season should be Destiny. Sure, it doesn't come out for a while but A GUY CAN BELIEVE, CAN'T HE?!?! I JUST WANT THIS GAME SO EFFING BAD.....

So, there you go! The Top 10 Games I'm looking forward to this holiday season. Will I be able to play any of them? Nope because I'm too lazy to go out and buy a console myself. But in the meantime, I'll just keep saving up for a tablet and Nintendo 3DS.

Tell me in the comments what games you guys are looking forward to in the comments below!

And As Always, Gamers of the Nations, RAGE ON! And I'll see you next time :)
-CJ Poirier

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

FEZ II Cancelled Because of the INTERNET.

Internet, sometimes you just need to SHUT UP.

Earlier this year, Phil Fish, the creator of one of the greatest indie games ever, Fez, got in a little bit of an argument via Twitter with Marcus "AnnoyedGamer" Beer, better known as the host of GameTrailers. According to an article by Sean Hollister from "The Verge":

"...Beer and Fish got into an argument after Beer called Fish a "hipster," a "tosspot," a "wanker" and a "fucking asshole" on yesterday's episode of Invisible Walls, a GameTrailers video podcast, after Fish refused to answer questions about Microsoft's decision to allow indie developers to self-publish on Xbox One. Fish then lashed out at Beer, claiming that the GameTrailers host had assassinated his character, telling Beer to "compare your life to mine and then kill yourself," and asking him to apologize on camera..."

This then resulted in the following Tweet from Fish, saying:

And then proceeded to lock his Twitter account.

So yep. The game I, along with hundreds of other people, wanted to play is now gone forever because of the stupid Internet. Thanks, Marcus Beer. You're officially on my Kill List, toping Slenderman and Gary Oak.

So what do you Gamers of the Nations think? Could there have been a better way for this to end and if you were in Phil Fish's shoes, would you have completly removed yourself from the industry or would you have found a better way to deal with it? Let me know if the Comments.

And As Always, Gamers of the Nations, RAGE ON! And I'll see you next time :)

Goodbye, Fez II. We'll miss you.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Why Indie Games Are Amazing

"Independent video games (commonly referred to as indie games) are video games created by individuals or small teams generally without video game publisherfinancial support. Indie games often focus on innovation and rely on digital distribution. Indie gaming has seen a rise in the latter half of the 2000s decade, primarily due to new online distribution methods and development tools.
Some indie games have become very successful financially, such as Braid, World of Goo, and Minecraft."

Indie games. What can I say about indie games?

They're awesome. That's it.