Ever since it was announced back at E3 2013, Nintendo has barraged us with new information on their latest installment in the
Super Smash Bros. franchise. From new game modes to new items, we just can't escape the excitement. But if there is anything that gets fans more excited about any
SSB, it's
obviously the fighters. Move aside, Mario and Kirby. Time to give the new guys the spotlight.
Today, I'll be giving you my personal opinions of each of the brand new fighters that we currently know about:
Wii Fit Trainer,
Mega Man,
Little Mac,
Rosalina & Luma,
Charizard and
Greninja. I will not count non-transforming characters such as Sheik and Zero-Suit Samus as Newcomers due to their inclusion in previous
SSB games. Please remember that this article is just opinion.
"Super Smash Bros. -Villager" by vaness96 |
Fighter: Villager -
Animal Crossing Franchise
Okay, be honest: You didn't expect this guy to be in Smash. Sure, he'd be a cool
Assist Trophy but a Newcomer? That's ludicrous. But, by what I've seen,
Animal Crossing's iconic character may actually be a worthy opponent. His moves are cute and very home-driven, using items like the shovel to bury his opponents. Literally. If that doesn't impress you, how about his ability to steal opponent's moves and redirect them back at an opponent? Yep,
Animal Crossing's Villager will be able to take Lucario's Aura Sphere and redirect it back at him. If that isn't scandalous enough, well, at least his cuteness will melt the heart of your opponents.
Final Rating: 3 out of 5 Smash Orbs. Sure, he may just be there for looks but I believe that with his attack-stealing ability, he'll be able to take on the toughest of Veterans.
"Exercise Is Fun" by drakithu |
Fighter: Wii Fit Trainer -
Wii Fit Series
Every Smash has a "gag character." In the Melee, it was Dr. Mario. In Brawl, it was Rob. Ladies and gentlemen, your "gag character" of Super Smash Bros. For Wii U/3DS is... actually pretty awesome. Sure, the Wii Fit Trainer is kind of an amusing chose for a fighter but so was the idea to put the Ice Climbers in Brawl. The Wii Fit Trainer, much like Little Mac, is practically BORN to be in SSB. Her moves are entirely based on different yoga move and exercises, not to mention her Final Smash is a rainbow-colored explosion of Yoga poses that will mow down all your opponents. Sound cool enough for you?
Final Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Smash Orbs. Yes, Wii Fit Trainer is the LAST character anybody would want in Smash but to be honest, this choice is pretty awesome.
"Super Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS -
Bienvenido, Megaman" by emiyaforterko |
Fighter: Mega Man - Mega Man Franchise
He's the character everybody was hoping for. He's the one and only... most exaggerated character in the Smash.
whole roster. Yes, I understand Nintendo might have wanted to give fans the one character they wanted more than Ripley and Little Mac and I completely understand that. I just think they are over-doing Capcom's blue bomber by giving him the largest and most difficult move-set in all of Smash history. Don't believe me? Watch the Super Smash Direct and you tell me. I think pros will even have a difficult time using Mega Man but it's worth bringing another video game icon into
Final Rating: 3.5 out of 5 Smash Orbs. I feel Mega Man will be too difficult to use and is completely over-powered because of it. I understand you are trying to do him justice but I'll just wait till I can master the nunchuck before even attempting to use him.
"Big Mac and Little Mac" by heartstringsxiii |
Fighter: Little Mac - Punch Out! Series
Possibly the mostly requested Smash character to date, Nintendo finally gave up and gave the fans what they wanted: the most epic fighter of all time going against video game icons in a battle royal to the death. Luckily, SSB. oh, did I forget to mention Giga Mac? Good luck, Mario.
Mike Tyson won't be taking anyone's ears in this game because Little Mac will be too busy beating the competition down. Though he isn't so great in the air, his on-the-ground, beat-'em-down boxing skills make him the toughest and strongest fighter in all of
Final Rating: 6 out of 5 Smash Orbs. Finally, we have an experienced fighter in the ring. Both literally and figuratively. Little Mac will finally get the spotlight he deserves. Nintendo is finally doing us fans proud.
Fighter: Rosalina & Luma -
Super Mario Franchise
"Rosalina and Luma - Luma Shot" by ishmam |
How can Nintendo squeeze out the success of the Super Mario Galaxy series? By putting Rosalina in EVERYTHING. First it was Mario Kart 7. Then it was Super Mario 3D World. Now it's Smash and I've had enough of it. Rosalina, I don't hate you. You are an amazing character. But you honestly got to stop showing up on every Mario game. You only exist in Galaxy and that's it. Sure, your moves are cool but please for the love of God, just stop showing up! you are gonna make Mario look like some kind of womanizer in front of Peach!
Final Rating: 2.5 out of 5 Smash Orbs. I honestly think Rosalina is better off as a side character. Guess we'll just have to wait and see what Nintendo throws at us again.
"Greninja and Charizard GIF" by Not-Quite-Normal |
Fighters: Charizard and Greninja -
Pokemon Franchise
I know, I know. Why am I putting them together? Well, I have the same opinion on both of them: they aren't exactly "fighters." Yes, technically, they do fight each other in battles but they don't, in my opinion, need to be in the fight. Most fans were really hoping for the Pokemon Trainer to make his return but to play as just Charizard and Greninja just won't be as fun to me. There are already a LOT of Pokemon in
SSB, counting all the Pokeballs, Master Balls, Pikachu and Lucario. We don't really need anymore solo Pokemon brawlers. The only way I would choose to play as either of them is if they Mega Evolve like Lucario.
Final Rating: 2.6 out of 5 Smash Orbs. The Pokemon franchise is one of Nintendo's largest cash cow so it's no surprise they want to constantly shove this down our throats by integrating them everywhere. I feel as if these two will end up like Rosalina & Luma: Clumsy and annoying. I don't care how cool they are, to be honest. There are too many Pokemon. Next time, just stay with 150.
And there you guys go! My opinions of all the current Newcomers. Do you agree or disagree? Leave your opinions of the Newcomers in the Comments below.
Thank you for reading and as always, Gamers of the Nations, RAGE ON! I'll see you next time :)
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