Thursday, February 28, 2013

Portal and/or Half Life Movie? Why Not!

Earlier this year, world-famous movie director Michael Bay said he may be working on a new Portal and/or Half Life movie, inspired by the popular video game sagas. Only one problem, Bay: How can you make a movie based on a video game with silent protagonists?

Let's be honest, people: This can't work. In both Portal and Half Life, the heroes are absolutely SILENT. Meaning, if Bay were to give Chell and Gordon Freeman lines or something in these possible theatrical adaptions, they would have to somehow work with the story. But as we all know, you can't make a video game movie because nobody gets a good story. Remember the Super Mario Bros. Movie from 1993? That movie was probably one of the worst movies ever made. So much of the original concepts from Nintendo's iconic plumber had literally been flushed down the toilet. Also, remember the movie Dragonball: Evolution? The horrible modern-day adaptation of the infamous Dragon Ball series that obviously got low reviews and tons of fan hate? There just can't be a GOOD video game movie.

Unless Bay were to actually make these movies based on the storyline of the games ENTIRELY and not change anything about it, (and include a LOT of cool CGI and explosions) then we've got nothing to lose. Only time will tell.

And As Always, Rage On.

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