Wednesday, May 15, 2013

2013: A Good Start... So Far...

2013, so far, has been an amazing year for video games. Nintendo WiiU owners are still trying to get their fill of the launch titles, gamers are anticipating the new Xbox, the Playstation 4 has been announced, and so many new games have been announced! But if there's anything for us to worry about, it's will some types of games go somewhat extinct?

Over the last few years, video games have been getting more and more realistic, thanks to all of the new video game engines. But though most games we focus our now mostly shooters and realistic puzzles, not the simplistic, fun, family-ish games we've been accustomed to in the past. I mean, we've grown so used to games like Mario and Sonic that they may be old to us. Does that mean we care more about realistic games because of preference or is it the company's fault?

Nintendo has really done nothing new when it comes to their own, handmade games except just release a new Super Mario game. It's always the same amount of worlds, with the same challenges, and the same enemies, with the same annoying music. While other companies like Ubisoft and Sega actually manage to try to make a new game every year, with new franchises, with good reboots, and NOT KEEP DOING THE SAME THING EVERY YEAR.

So what does this all mean? Well, in retrospect, if video games are going to progress the way they are, don't be surprised to hear companies like Nintendo follow the same path as THQ did earlier this year. Why? Because all of our games now are more realistic, horror, and, well, HUMAN than they were before. And with titles like Watch Dogs coming out to prove my point, I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens. I mean, it's only early 2013, guys.

And As Always, Gamers of the Nations, RAGE ON.


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