Friday, April 4, 2014

Game Changers: The Top 5 Games That Changed How We Play

Every now and then, there comes a video game that sets a higher standard to a genre. Sometimes they even make a new genre. Even so, these 5 video games redefined the video game industry and helped make it was it is today. These are my Top 5 Game Changers.

5) Minecraft - PC, Xbox 360, PS3 - Mojang:

Minecraft is also known for its amazing community
The sandbox title truly proved one thing: gameplay is more important than graphics. The quirkyness of every item being cubical and returning to the roots of the old-school survival game, Minecraft truly proves this point. Minecraft is not just about looks though: the Single Player survival campaign is long and brutal, meaning you must dedicate hundreds of hours to fight the terrifying Ender Dragon, only to then sit through a poetic 10 minute end credits. Then, you can replay the game from right where you left off, no restarting and no questions asked. Not only that, this game reinvigorated the Independent (indie) genre of video games. From having a cult following to becoming one of the most popular games of all time with, as of September 2013, over 33 million registered users. In the end, Minecraft is a great game with an interesting look at how a game as simple as Survival can be so... fun.

Keep on spinning, Mario...
4) Super Mario 64 - Nintendo 64 - Nintendo:

Admit it: you knew the famous red plumber would make it somewhere on this list. Well, truth be told, he did make a giant impact on the video game industry. Created by Shigeru Miyamoto back when Nintendo crafted the infamous arcade title, Donkey Kong, then known as only Jumpman because of his ability to, well, jump. After the success of the Donkey Kong franchise, Miyamoto decided to give our buddy the star treatment he deserved: a new name and a new series. Now known as Mario, he became gaming's largest and most recognizable icon. Even people who don't play video games know of Mario! But how did he impact the video game world? Mario reinvented 3-Dimensional gaming. Super Mario 64 was one of Nintendo's first attempts at 3D Platforming and it was a success. In fact, it was such a success that franchises like Legend of Zelda and Star Fox began using this technology also, spawning some of the greatest games of all time.

3) The Last of Us - PS3, PS4 - Naughty Dogs:

Just a look at some of the scores The Last of Us has gotten.
What is there left to be said about The Last of Us? The game is action-packed, the cinematics of the cutscenes are superb and the gameplay is so smooth that it's difficult to even compare. But despite it being a Sony exclusive, this game is worth the playthrough. The game has a dark tone, telling Joel and Ellie's story of survival in a post-apocalyptic United States. But the real reason this game is such a hit is because of the way the game play affects the player. In the game, you not only have to fight waves of infected zombie-like creatures but you are forced to also kill other survivors. Yes, sometimes you will have to kill innocent people so you can live longer. The game presents this in a matter it's almost disturbing and the game itself re-imagines the survival/horror genre of video games.

2) Super Smash Bros. Franchise - Multiple Consoles - Nintendo:

Current characters for SSB4, coming later this year.
Back in the days of the Nintendo 64, there was a game that would change the fighting genre and that game is Smash. Yes, Smash didn't exactly create the fighting genre. Games like Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter were WAY out before Smash was even being fleshed out but the game introduced the concept of a "multiverse fighting game," or a fighting game in which characters and entities from different universes would come together in a battle royal. Without Smash, games like Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe and Marvel vs Capcom probably wouldn't exist. Plus, it became Nintendo's second biggest cash cow, with the first obviously being anything with the name Mario in it.

1) Mega Man Franchise - Multiple Consoles - Capcom:

Mega Man Comics.... YUSH :D
Released for the NES in 1987, Capcom's Blue Bomber is truly special in the hearts of many gamers. With over 50 games under his name, Mega Man changed the Platforming genre with the simplistic controls and the surprisingly difficult levels, all of which leading up to an epic Boss Battle. The controls were easy and the gameplay was fun but the truly amazing thing about the Mega Man games were how easy a player could adapt. Most games were programmed to have a Tutorial or have little text boxes saying how you should play but with Mega Man, you learn how to play as you play. The games grew a cult following and simple became a part of pop culture. Sadly, all good things come to an end and Capcom stopped releasing Mega Man games. LUCKILY WE GOT MIGHTY NUMBER 9 COMING SOON SO HURRAY!

So, there you have it: My personal opinion of the games that changed... games. Tell me what you guys think and what games changed gaming for you in the Comment section below!

AND AS ALWAYS, GAMERS OF THE NATIONS, RAGE ON and I'll see you next time :)

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